Jordi Ortega

Jordi Ortega is a midfielder last heard of playing for Córdoba.

Youth career

Ortega joined Wolves in June 2014. He had been in Barcelona's youth system both the two previous seasons. He left for Córdoba shortly before the start of the 2015-16 season.

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Career statistics

No data pre 2014-15. Wolves give no squad information for U18 apart from the FA Youth Cup. Correct up to end of 2014-15 season.

Jordi Ortega
Full Name Jordi Ortega Alcalá
Date of Birth 27 January 1995
Age 29 years
Place of Birth Mataró, Spain
Position Midfielder
Nationality Spanish
Current club Córdoba
Previous club/s Wolverhampton Wanderers, Barcelona Juvenil, Unió Esportiva Vilassar de Mar
Club Season Senior Under-21 Lge Under-21 PLC B'ham Senior Cup Under-18 Lge FA Youth Cup
Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals
Wolves 2014-15 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 - - - - - -

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Career honours

With Barcelona Juvenil B, Ortega won both the National Honours League and the Championship of Catalonia.

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Ortega was on a two year contract, with Wolves holding an option for a further year, but it was mutually agreed to terminate the contract after one year.

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Last modified on 21 July 2015, at 19:58