Ibrahim Keita

Ibrahim Keita is a striker currently playing in the U21 side for Wolverhampton Wanderers.

Youth career

Keita started playing football when he was seven. At fourteen he was playing for Evreux in the Honors Division. Wolves offered him a week-long trial, and were impressed enough to take him on. He did well at U18 level and was moved up to U21 early. He has sat on the first team bench two or three times now, but has yet to get on the pitch.

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One cap for French U16 v Italy.

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Career statistics

No data pre 2014-15. Wolves give no squad information for U18 apart from the FA Youth Cup. Correct up to 6 January 2015.

Ibrahim Keita
Full Name Ibrahim Keita
Date of Birth 18/01/1996
Age Error: could not calculate date from input string.
Place of Birth Vermont, Normandy, France
Position Striker
Nationality French
Current club Wolverhampton Wanderers
Previous club/s Vermont, St Marcel, Evreux
Club Season Senior Under-21 Lge Under-21 PLC B'ham Senior Cup Under-18 Lge FA Youth Cup
Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals Starts Subs Goals
Wolves 2014-15 0 0 0 8 1 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 - - - - - -

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Career honours

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Keita received his first professional contract in February 2014.

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Additional source

Keita Q&A

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Last modified on 8 January 2015, at 08:41